This week we are kicking off our Women Who Inspire Us series, through which we aim to highlight women who live their lives in a way that we find empowering.
Every two weeks we will introduce you to someone whose path crossed ours (either digitally or IRL), creating a lasting impression. An architect living in southern Europe, an incredible chef who runs one of the most popular eateries in Copenhagen, a stylist who highlights small Ukrainian designers, and many more. Make sure to join our newsletter to ensure you don't miss those interviews!
Today, we would like to introduce you to Storm Wes. She lives in Berlin together with her husband and son, creating content around the topics of vintage and luxury fashion. With an incredible attention to aesthetics, Storm manages to create the most captivating editorial-style images for her clients and community. But what's most endearing about storm is her raw and authentic personality. We are excited to share her answers to our Women Who Inspire Us series with you!
Introducing - Storm Wes

What are some moments that calm your mind?
I am happy when I spend time with my family and friends, preferable sharing a delicious home cooked meal and just being in the moment of the company of these people. Also, when a creative idea comes to life, that makes me so happy too.
Where do you find your inspiration?
I find my inspiration in randomness. It can be daily Situations, it could be a leaf on the floor or a scene from a movie.
Knowing what you know now, what would you tell your 18 year old self?
This one is tricky. I would like my 18 year old self to tell me now: „Hey, where is the confidence and trust in yourself you used to have?“ - just to have more confidence in me and the work that I do, I have become so insecure.
Can you highlight a specific piece of clothing you've owned for a long time that holds a special place in your heart, and share the story behind it?
I found an amazing vintage Celine skirt in 2018 in Copenhagen. It’s one of my absolute favorite pieces in my closet. But also my very first designer bag, which is the Chloé Drew bag, wasn't in trend when I bought it (I don't go for trends), but will always hold a special place in my wardrobe and heart. I still wear her for weddings and other special occasions.
Your current or all time favorite song?
I am currently doing my wedding playlist, so on repeat is: "You’re still the one" (Shania Twain) but an acoustic version, "K." by Cigarettes after Sex. And my absolute favorite songs are: "Forth of July" by Mariah Carey and "Boiled Frogs" by Alexisonfire. (yes, I have two moods)
Complete the following sentences:
I feel most happy when... creating or spending time with family and friends.
We all should... reflect more and have more empathy.
I never leave the house without... vomex, I suffer really bad with emetophobia.
When I look at my wardrobe, I see a collection of... vintage pieces. In my wardrobe, I always make space for more vintage pieces and shoes.
A woman who inspires me is... there are so many inspiring women out there. For me a Woman doesn't have to do something extraordinary to be inspiring, it can be the stay at home mum, the working mum, the single friend, the business owner - there are so many things and moments that inspire me in these women.